Saturday, February 23, 2008

Reflection of the Day

Woke up this morning at 7:50 and went to Ratner with Brandon. Went to the basketball court and did our individual Wushu routines.

Haha, after 9 months of not practicing my routine properly, I realize that I have lost so much - the actual routine itself, the small nuances, the proper breathing etc.

What does it tell me? It reminds me that without daily practice, a person will lose a particular skill or habit that he once had. This applies to many other things too. Thinking through, there have been many good things that I have failed to apply into my life daily and practice since coming here to America.

Hence, I will do my best to make it a point to begin practicing some of these things that I have lost. It will not be easy, neither will progress be fast but I will still do my best, as these are things that I believe in.


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