Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I am aware
You lurk somewhere in my house

How did you come in?
Have I not banned you from my home?
Have I not banished you from my kingdom?
How did you slip in from under my guard?

I know!
I was weary
You dulled my senses, you lulled me to sleep
With songs of praise
Of false hope
Of false confidence
How devious you are

But I see you now
The light of awareness shines upon you
Though weak from weariness
I can see your shadow
Sneaking around

I will rest now
To rejuvenate

When I awake
With renewed strength
I will escort you
Out of my house
And return you
To the nothingness whence you came from

1 comment:

njahmat said...

Adrian. I hope you're okay, hehe, what's up with the ego business? I wanna play soccer some nights, you up for it?