Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It's taken a (long) while, but I've finally got my self-esteem back. =D

The new me has become a lot more honest and open about himself. I like it. I like how I can go to my colleagues and say, "I'm very easy to please. Just compliment me. You don't have to do anything else. Really." Now, I don't have to fish for compliments. People know what makes me perform best. =D

I like how I can go to a person I like and just say, "Yeah, I like you." Or if I dislike a person, I can just say, "This is why I dislike you. Let's try to work on it." Now, I don't have to play mind games with people. =D

So liberating.

And I don't really mind what the response is anymore. As long as I've done my job of honestly communicating my feelings in a responsible manner, how people respond is up to them. Frankly, I would love people to be honest and open with me, but somehow, many never are.

If you are one of those people who don't want tell me what's troubling them, and want to blame me for any problems that arise between us - please, just let me know what's going on in your mind so we can fix it together. I'm not a psychic, please don't expect me to be one.

On the flip-side, if you like what I'm doing, or better yet, if you like me, just tell me! I assure you, I will shower you with appreciation for telling me that. If you don't, I will never know, and will probably never act on it. I don't want that, you don't want that. So just tell me. =D

Anyhow, in short, Adrian Lim has become a lot more honest to himself and to people. He likes this new way of life, and plans to continue and further improve upon it. To his friends out there who have made this possible, Adrian wishes to say a million thanks. You have no idea how much your time and support have meant.

In the meantime, take care!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I think you're awesome!